Part 2

Organizing a cluster

As you can imagine, there may be a lot of resources inside a cluster. In fact, at the moment of writing this Kubernetes supports over 100 000 pods in a single cluster.


Namespaces are used to keep resources separated. A company that uses one cluster but has multiple projects can use namespaces to split the cluster into virtual clusters, one for each project. Most commonly they would be used to separate environments such as production, testing, staging. DNS entry for services includes the namespace so you can still have projects communicate with each other if needed through service.namespace address. e.g. if a service called cat-pictures is in a namespace ns-test it could be found from other namespaces via http://cat-pictures.ns-test.

Accessing namespaces with kubectl is achieved by using the -n flag. For example, you can see what the namespace kube-system has with

$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system

To see everything you can use --all-namespaces.

$ kubectl get all --all-namespaces

Namespaces should be kept separate - you could e.g. run all of the examples and do the exercises of this course in a cluster that is shared with critical software, but that would not be a smart thing to do. An administrator should set a ResourceQuota for that namespace so that you can safely run anything there. We'll look into resource limits and requests later.

Creating a namespace is an oneliner (kubectl create namespace example-namespace). You can define the namespace to use by adding it to the metadata section of the yaml files.

# ...
  namespace: example-namespace
  name: example
# ...

If you're using a specific namespace constantly, you can set the namespace to be used by default with kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<name>.

Kubernetes Best Practices - Organizing Kubernetes with Namespaces


Labels are used to separate an application from others inside a namespace and to group different resources together. Labels are key-value pairs and they can be modified, added or removed at any time. Labels can also be added to almost anything.

Labels can help us humans identify resources and Kubernetes can use them to act upon a group of resources. You can query resources that have a certain label. The labels are also used by selectors to pick a set of objects.

Let's look at the labels in Deployment yaml file. This is the first yaml we created in the beginning of the part 1:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hashgenerator-dep
  replicas: 1
      app: hashgenerator
        app: hashgenerator
        - name: hashgenerator
          image: jakousa/dwk-app1:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64

In this case, the yaml includes both a selector and a label. The selector and matchLabels reveal that the instructions of the deployment are directed to pods with the label app: hashgenerator. So, labels are key-value pairs. The template metadata includes the label with key-value pair app: hashgenerator.

We can use the same label on multiple namespaces and the namespace would keep them from interfering with each other.

Grouping objects with labels is simple. We either add the label into the yaml file or use command kubectl label.

We could e.g. add a label importance=great to a pod as follows:

$ kubectl label po hashgenerator-dep-7b9b88f8bf-lvcv4 importance=great
  pod/hashgenerator-dep-7b9b88f8bf-lvcv4 labeled

Labels can be used e.g. to limit the result of the command kubectl get:

$ kubectl get pod -l importance=great
  NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hashgenerator-dep-7b9b88f8bf-lvcv4   1/1     Running   0          17m

With labels, we can even move pods to labeled nodes. Let's say we have a few nodes which have qualities that we wish to avoid. For example, those might have a slower network. With labels and nodeSelector configured for deployment, we can do just that. First, add a nodeSelector to the deployment and then label the node(s):


        - name: hashgenerator
          image: jakousa/dwk-app1:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64
        networkquality: excellent

If you already have the pod running, it won't terminate the pod to avoid unwanted changes in the system, instead a new pod is scheduled:

$ kubectl get po
  NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hashgenerator-dep-548d4d6c8d-mbblj   1/1     Running   0          107s
  hashgenerator-dep-7586cb6456-mktcl   0/1     Pending   0          23s

The status of the new pod is "Pending" since there are no nodes with excellent network quality yet.

Next, label the agent-1 as being one with excellent network quality and Kubernetes will know where the pod is able to run:

$ kubectl label nodes k3d-k3s-default-agent-1 networkquality=excellent
  node/k3d-k3s-default-agent-1 labeled

$ kubectl get po
  NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  hashgenerator-dep-7b9b88f8bf-mktcl   1/1     Running   0          5m30s

nodeSelector is a blunt tool. It's great when you want to define binary qualities, like "don't run this application if the node is using an HDD instead of an SSD" by labeling the nodes according to disk types. There are more sophisticated tools you should use when you have a cluster of various machines, ranging from a fighter jet to a toaster to a supercomputer. Kubernetes can use affinity and anti-affinity to select which nodes are prioritized for which applications and taints with tolerances so that a pod can avoid certain nodes. For example, if a machine has a high network latency and we wouldn't want it to do some latency-critical tasks.

See affinity and anti-affinity and taints and tolerances for detailed information. We will not be assigning pods to specific nodes on this course, as we have a homogeneous cluster.

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