Introduction to Storage
There are two things that are known to be difficult with Kubernetes. First is networking. Thankfully we can avoid most of the networking difficulties unless we were going to setup our own cluster. If you're interested you can watch this Webinar on "Kubernetes and Networks: Why is This So Dang Hard?" but we'll skip most of the topics discussed in the video. The other of the most difficult things is storage.
In part 1 we will look into a very basic method of using storage and return to this topic later. Where almost everything else in Kubernetes is very much dynamic, moving between nodes and replicating with ease, storage does not have the same possibilities. "Why Is Storage On Kubernetes So Hard?" provides us a wide angle on the difficulties and the different options we have to overcome them.
There are multiple types of volumes and we'll get started with two of them.
A volume in Docker and Docker compose is the way to persist the data the containers are using. With Kubernetes the simple volumes that is not quite the case.
The Kubernetes volumes, in technical terms emptyDir volumes, are shared filesystems inside a pod, this means that their lifecycle is tied to a pod. When the pod is destroyed the data is lost. In addition, simply moving the pod from another node will destroy the contents of the volume as the space is reserved from the node the pod is running on. So surely you should not use emptyDir volumes e.g. for backing up a database. Even with the limitations it may be used as a cache as it persists between container restarts or it can be used to share files between two containers in a pod.
Before we can get started with this, we need an application that shares data with another application. In this case, it will work as a method to share simple log files with each other. We'll need to develop:
- App 1 that will check if /usr/src/app/files/image.jpg exists and if not, it downloads a random image and saves it as image.jpg. Any HTTP request will trigger a new image generation.
- App 2 that will check for the file /usr/src/app/files/image.jpg and shows it, if it is available.
Apps share a deployment so that both of them are inside the same pod. My version is available for you to use here. The example includes an ingress and a service to access the application.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: images-dep
replicas: 1
app: images
app: images
volumes: # Define volume
- name: shared-image
emptyDir: {}
- name: image-finder
image: jakousa/dwk-app3-image-finder:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64
volumeMounts: # Mount volume
- name: shared-image
mountPath: /usr/src/app/files
- name: image-response
image: jakousa/dwk-app3-image-response:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64
volumeMounts: # Mount volume
- name: shared-image
mountPath: /usr/src/app/files
As the display is dependent on the volume we can confirm that it works by accessing the image-response and getting the image. The provided ingress used the previously opened port 8081 http://localhost:8081
Note that all data is lost when the pod goes down.
Persistent Volumes
In contrast to the emptyDir volumes, a Persistent Volume is something you probably had in mind when we started talking about volumes.
A Persistent Volume (PV) is a cluster-wide resource, that represents a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by the cluster administrator or is dynamically provisioned. Persistent Volumes can be backed by various types of storage such as local disk, NFS, cloud storage, etc.
PVs have a lifecycle independent of any individual pod that uses the PV. This means that the data in the PV can outlive the pod that it was attached to.
When using a cloud provider, such as Google Kubernetes Engine which we shall use in parts 3 and 4, it is the cloud provider that takes care of backing storage and the Persistent Volumes that you can use. If you run your own cluster or use a local cluster such as k3s for development, you need to take care of the storage system and Persistent Volumes by yourself.
An easy option that we can use with K3s is a local PersistentVolume that uses a path in a cluster node as the storage. This solution ties the volume to a particular node and if the node becomes unavailable, the storage is not usable.
So the local Persistent Volumes are not the solution to be used in production!
For the PersistentVolume to work you first need to create the local path in the node we are binding it to. Since our cluster runs via Docker let's create a directory at /tmp/kube
in the container k3d-k3s-default-agent-0
. This can simply be done via docker exec k3d-k3s-default-agent-0 mkdir -p /tmp/kube
The Persistent Volume definition is created as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-pv
storageClassName: my-example-pv # this is the name you are using later to claim this volume
storage: 1Gi # Could be e.q. 500Gi. Small amount is to preserve space when testing locally
volumeMode: Filesystem # This declares that it will be mounted into pods as a directory
- ReadWriteOnce
path: /tmp/kube
nodeAffinity: ## This is only required for local, it defines which nodes can access it
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- k3d-k3s-default-agent-0
Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user.
When a user creates a PVC, Kubernetes finds an appropriate PV that satisfies the claim's requirements and binds them together. If no PV is available, depending on the configuration, the cluster might dynamically create a PV that meets the claim's needs.
Once bound, the PersistentVolumeClaim is "locked" and can only be used by one Pod (depending on the access mode specified). This ensures that the PV resource is exclusively used by the pod it's bound to.
If there is no suitable Persistent Volume available, the PVC will stay in the "Pending" state, waiting for a suitable PV.
Conceptually, you can think of PVs as the physical volume (the actual storage in your infrastructure), whereas PVCs are the means by which pods claim this storage for their use.
Let us now create a claim for our app:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: image-claim # name of the volume claim, this will be used in the deployment
storageClassName: my-example-pv # this is the name of the persistent volume we are claiming
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
Modify the previously introduced deployment to use it:
# ...
- name: shared-image
claimName: image-claim
- name: image-finder
image: jakousa/dwk-app3-image-finder:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64
- name: shared-image
mountPath: /usr/src/app/files
- name: image-response
image: jakousa/dwk-app3-image-response:b7fc18de2376da80ff0cfc72cf581a9f94d10e64
- name: shared-image
mountPath: /usr/src/app/files
And apply it with persistentvolume.yaml and persistentvolumeclaim.yaml.
$ kubectl apply -f
With the previous service and ingress, we can access the app in http://localhost:8081. To confirm that the data is persistent we can run
$ kubectl delete -f
deployment.apps "images-dep" deleted
$ kubectl apply -f
deployment.apps/images-dep created
The same file is available again!
If you are interested in learning more about running your own storage you can check out eg. the following: